Revitalizing Your Supply Chain to Accelerate Growth – 10th GS1HK SCM Excellence Summit
非会员费用: HK$1,580
supply chain management event
查询: : Tel: 31884474 / Email: info@gs1hksummit.com
The Summit is the region's premier supply chain management event, your gateway to the knowledge, ideas and people shaping the future of business in Asia. With a practical, insightful and information-packed programme, attracting more than 500 business leader and technology decision makers each year.
What's New This Year
Distinguished Speakers: Hear from respected business leaders and supply chain experts and the AMR's top 25 Supply Chain Companies for 2009
Case Sharing: Get inside information on real-world supply chain project implementations including the winning cases of the 3rd Hong Kong RFID Awards
Future Vision: Discover cutting-edge technology concepts such as the Internet of Things, SCM for sustainability and traceability and colloaborative commerce
Technology Showcase: View the latest technological innovations, applications and solutions
Networking: Meet different industry user groups during evening cocktails