条码 (barcode) 的效益
全球有超过100万家企业采用GS1条码 (Barcode)及全球贸易货品编码(GTINs),包括所有大型零售商及网上商店,包括Google、亚马逊、eBay 及天猫。使用GS1条码不但可以提升企业运作的成本效益,还可以接触全球潜在客户。

6大原因,您要向GS1 HK申请香港条形码

eBay, 亚马逊 and Google shopping 要求货品加入GS1作产品识别码
GS1 条码 (barcode) 已获得全球大型电商平台认可,作为产品识别码。没有 GS1 条形码,产品甚至无法在亚马逊上销售。

条码协助 Google更容易了解你的网内容,更清楚地识别您的产品。加入正确的bar code后,可以大大提升Google 购物广告(Google Shopping Ad)的表现 ,有机会最多增加四成点击(只提供英文版)及 两成转换率(只提供英文版)。 了解更多

产品条码以「489」开头代表该产品由香港注册公司处理。GS1 HK是唯一在香港获授权发出全球认可、以「489」为字首、独一无二、并且可于全球主要零售商、电商平台及零售点使用的条码。此外,GS1 HK也会提供多项本地支援及服务,联络我们了解条码应用及立即向GS1 HK申请条码!

新一代条码,商机无限 – 智慧条码、2D条码(QR码)
- 智慧条码 :免费为您的网店带来流量及生意。
- GS1 HK QR: : 可载有多个资讯及产品数据,让供应链持份者/消费者扫一扫条码即可获得所需资讯 。
简单3个步骤,为你的产品加上GS1 条码

1.于GS1 HK 申请成为会员
成功申请成为全面编码会员后,可以获取多项会员权益,以及属于您的产品独一无二的条码编号 (barcode)。收到所有文件及费用后,本会一般需要1个工作天处理申请。

2. 于 BarcodePlus 上建立条码
可于 BarcodePlus建立独一无二的的条码 (barcode),管理您的产品数据和其他 GS1 标识号。

3. 于产品上加上条码 (barcode)
为什么要加入GS1 HK?
GS1 HK (香港货品编码协会) 是GS1® 的香港分会,一直致力协助本港机构采用全球标准,改善供应链的运作,提高效率及透明度。 GS1标准为企业提供一套共通语言,可用作识别, 撷取 及分享 供应链中的数据,以便企业捕捉准确而一目了然的重要资讯。
GS1 HK会标准包括数据载体,例如UPC HK条码,EAN HK条码和EAN 13条码。它们用于编码信息,例如产品编号,序列号和批号。条码(包括EAN HK条码和EAN 13条码)在供应链中起着关键作用,使包括零售商,制造商,运输提供商和医院在内的用户能够在产品通过供应链时自动识别和跟踪产品。
GS1 HK管理多种类型的条码应用程序,其中许多符合ISO标准。每个设计用于不同的情况。您将获得GS1 HK官方证书(纸本及数码证书),让您放心,条码编号是您的唯一,国际公认的真实来源。
Can UPC-A and UPC-E barcodes be scanned outside USA/Canada?
Yes. The GS1 System was designed based on the UPC barcode system, so the UPC-A & UPC-E symbols are 100 percent compatible with all GS1 Systems. Companies using UPC-A & UPC-E bar codes can have their products identified across the globe without any difficulty.
Can EAN 13 Symbols be scanned in USA/Canada?
A sunrise date on January 1, 2005 has been set for the global acceptance of GTIN-13. However, a few retailers in the US and Canada may experience a problem in that their systems not able to accommodate GTIN-13. In such case, the GTIN-12 represented in a UPC-A or UPC-E Symbol is required.
Are GS1 barcodes the only application suitable for the retail point-of-sale?
No. The GS1 System is a totally neutral system that can be used to identify anything that is traded among companies, as well as individual retail items at the point-of-sale. Goods are scanned as they leave manufacturers, as they are handled by distributors, scanned again at goods inwards at warehouses and depots, again for stock counts, as orders are picked and so on. The system is used by companies operating in all trade and industry sectors. Product barcode registration from GS1 HK, the only official Hong Kong barcode issuer in Hong Kong.
What is 489 barcode?
Barcode numbers beginning with 489 are the barcode numbers that come directly from GS1 Hong Kong and only GS1 Hong Kong is the official issuer of 489 barcode. After joining GS1HK full membership, you can enjoy variety of product barcode application which provide a common language to identify, capture and share supply chain data, to ensure important information is accessible, accurate and easy to understand.
After you have product barcodes registration with GS1 HK, your product can ensure is globally unique ensure and use global standards include data carriers such as UPC HK barcodes and EAN HK barcodes. They are used to encode information such as product numbers, serial numbers and batch numbers. Product barcodes, including UPC HK barcodes, EAN HK barcodes and EAN 13 barcodes, play a key role in supply chains, enabling users including retailers, manufacturers, transport providers and hospitals to automatically identify and track products as they move through the supply chain. GS1 barcodes manages several types of barcodes, many of which comply with ISO standards. Each is designed for use in a different situation. After product barcode registration, you will receive an official GS1 certificate (in paper and digital format), to verify that your barcode numbers are unique, internationally recognised and of authentic source.
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作为本地数一数二的连锁超市,百佳与GS1 HK合作将物流系统升级,令物流中心与店舖之间的流程随时清晰可见,改善营运效率并加快数码转型步伐。