- 多個行業

"Clues" for managing "new normal"
"Clues" for managing "new normal"
"New normal" drives the new business model. Companies are looking for "clues" to MANAGE the company as usual. On one hand, companies are facing the challenges on supplies as the potential supply broke down from different countries and on the other hand, the challenges on running business as usual with "limited" resources. Work-from-home, work-by-shift or work-with-digital are already a new working model from companies today, the "clues" for companies are to how to push for working smarter and smarter.
In this seminar, GS1 will share you the smart tips and will guide you through a real-life case on how to work smart under new normal. You can also discuss with our expert teams to know how to start the "clues".
Details of the webinar:
Date: 26 Feb 2021 (Fri)
Time: 11:30 to 12:15
*Zoom link will be sent to you one week before the webinar*