2 Dec 2015


04:30PM –05:30PM
Training Room 1 - 3, Level 3, Core F, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Cantonese (with English presentation materials)
會員費用: FREE of charge
非會員費用: FREE of charge


Should you have interests, feel free to register online at this webpage on or before 2 Dec 2015. Successful candidate will receive a separate confirmation email on seat reservation 3 days prior to the event. Owing to limited places, a maximum of two representatives from each company may attend. Additional space is subject to availability. GS1 Hong Kong reserves the right to reject applications. 

Enquiry:  Ms. Elsa Mau | 2861 2819 | info@gs1hk.org

Website: www.gs1hk.org/smarthkaward


Offer you the opportunity to :

  • UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to learn latest IoT innovations, smart city and smarter business application
  • understand the benefits, application procedures, judging criteria, schedule of the Award
  • learn from Best Smart HK Awards 2015 winning teams
  • Hong Kong ICT professionals and organizations, with expertise in the respective Internet of Things, Big Data, and Public Sector Information and application deployed
  • Solution vendors with solid technology adoptions showcase developed in Hong Kong who would like to expand their exposures to the industries, both locally or even outside Hong Kong
  • Research or academic institutes dedicated in the above technologies and with solution or products launched in the above technology areas
  • Young talents and entrepreneurs equipped with inspiring and innovative ideas which had been converted into the excellent application or services in the above technologies


4:20pm Registration
4:30pm Welcome remarks by Hong Kong Cyberport
4:35pm Introduction to the HK ICT Awards 2016 Best Smart Hong Kong Awards
4:45pm Meet Best Smart Hong Kong Award 2015 Winner (1) Mr. Alan So / Lively Impact Technology Limited/Sales and Business Development Manager
4:55pm Meet Best Smart Hong Kong Award 2015 Winner (2) Mr. David Wong /Fukui Shell Nucleus Factory/ Project Director
5:05pm Big Data Trends and Challenges (presentation by HK Computer Society Big Data SIG representative) Dr. Tao Charm
5:15pm Q & A and tips from 2015 winners
5:30pm Ends

(Tentative & subject to change without prior notice)

Training Room 1 - 3, Level 3, Core F, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
