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industry 4.0 training
20 and 21 Jun 2023

Supply Chain Certification Course : Industry 4.0 - How Digitisation Improves Supply Chain Performance (June 2023)

09:30 - 17:30
Either Virtual or Physical participation (Please provide your preferences on attending the training; Virtual via ZOOM platform; Physical at GS1 HK Office – 22/F, OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai)
Cantonese (with English training materials)

Price : HK$ 7,800 per head for 2 days training

** This course has been included in the list of registered public courses under the Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme (RTTP) by VTC – with up to 2/3 (HK$5,200) subsidy for each eligible applicant  (Click here to learn more)

** Certificate will be given to participants with 100% attendance.


The term "Industry 4.0" refers to the combination of several major innovations in digital technology that are poised to transform various sectors. From advanced robotics and machine learning to software-as-a-service and the Industrial Internet of Things, these changes enable a powerful new way of organizing global operations. But how should executives lead this change within their own organizations so as to not negatively impact production, customer satisfaction, and corporate culture?


The objective of this course is to educate the participants about Industry 4.0, its implications for the supply chains, and the ways in which companies can take advantage of the capabilities of Industry 4.0. The course covers the fundamentals of Industry 4.0, and strategies for the functions involved in planning and managing production and distribution of goods. The course will be of particular interest to executives and associates involved in procurement, manufacturing, transportation, warehousing, sales & service (including e-commerce), and forecasting & inventory management.


Manufacturers & processors, logistics service providers, retailers, distributors, importers & exporters, quality assurance parties, service providers.


Topics discussed include:

1) Introduction to Industry 4.0
- What is Industry 4.0?
- Components of Industry 4.0
- Drivers of Industry 4.0

2) Implications of Industry 4.0 for Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Management: Key Concepts
- Effects of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain
- Framework of Industry 4.0 Supply Chain

3) Industry 4.0 Applications and Use Cases Sharing
- Predictive procurement and inventory management
- Manufacturing and smart operations
- Warehouse automation and smart logistics
- E-Commerce to S-Commerce

4) Preparation for Industry 4.0 and Success Factors
- Case Exercise: Apply Industry 4.0 Framework onto Supply Chain
- Summary: Preparations Phasing and Justifications
- Summary: Critical Success Factors

The Consultant and Facilitator
GS1 Hong Kong
Profile Pic_KK Suen
The Chief Architect and Principal Consultant
GS1 Hong Kong
Either Virtual or Physical participation (Please provide your preferences on attending the training; Virtual via ZOOM platform; Physical at GS1 HK Office – 22/F, OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai)
Ken Ng
(852) 2863 9753
