Supply Chain Certification Course: Embrace「Supply Chain 4.0」with Automation & Digitalisation (Aug 2019)
The 2-day training course “Theory + Implementation + Strategy” is designed for industry practitioners to understand the importance, application and the best practices on automation and standardisation of supply chain.
Price : HK$ 6,900 per head for 2 days
* This course has been included in the list of registered public courses under the Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme (RTTP) by VTC – (Click here to learn more)
– with up to HK$4,600 subsidy for each eligible applicant
The 2-day training course “Theory + Implementation + Strategy” is designed for industry practitioners to understand the importance of automation and digitalisation and the direction of Supply Chain 4.0 when implementing transformation
*Certificate will be given to participants with 100% attendance.
Interested parties can register online 2 weeks before the course commencement date. Confirmation email will be sent to successful candidates 3 days prior to the event. Please settle your payment by cheque payable to "GS1 Hong Kong Ltd" with remarks "Supply Chain Certification Course (Aug 2019)" as well as contact information (company name, name of registrant, tel. no. and email) at the back and mail to: GS1 Hong Kong, 22/F, OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Click here to download the leaflet
Enquiry: Mr. Ng | Tel: +852 2863 9753 | training@gs1hk.org
In the past, the industrial era of mass production and automation systems has become popular. With increased customer expectation, the market has turned into demand-driven. Unfortunately, this new trend of production increased the complexity of manufacturing process for enterprises, which increases the supply chain cost every year. This is also one of the problems that many industries are currently plagued. The digitalisation and automation of the supply chain enables companies to address the new requirements of the customers, the challenges on the supply perspective as well as the remaining expectations in efficiency improvement. Digitalisation brings about a Supply Chain 4.0, which will be faster; more flexible; more granular; more accurate and more efficient.
In Supply Chain 4.0, supply-chain management applies Industry 4.0 innovations—the Internet of Things, advanced robotics, analytics, and big data—to jump-start performance, and customer satisfaction
The course help you understand the importance of standardization and automation in the industry, and the trend and development of Supply Chain 4.0 unique identification of products and locations as the foundation of effective traceability, data analysis and warehouse management.
The course also explores the development of industry tools and resources to help you identify, capture and share product information, and showcase how IoT implementation promotes modernisation and enhances consumer journey through case sharing.
- Manufacturers & processors
- Logistics service providers
- Retailers
- Distributors
- Importers & exporters
- Quality assurance parties
- Service providers
- Understand IOT technologies
- How to apply IOT technologies to materials management, production management and logistics management
- How to monitor and capture the status of various operation processes
- Understand blockchain technology
- How to apply blockchain technology to improve secure deliveries and information quality in global supply chain
- Understand robotics applications
- How to apply robotics to automate the manufacturing and logistics operations
1) Industry Overview & Challenges Share the trends and common pain points for industy when implementing transformation on automation and digitalisation |
2) Application of Technologies on Automation and Digitalisation How to implement automation and digitalisation in the supply chain management |
3) Global Standards for Key Business Processes How Global Standards can be applied in production, logistics, quality assurance |
4) Real World examples Share best practices and successful cases enhanced by effective programs |
5) Experience & Guided tour visit Hands-on experience on automation and IoT enabled tools implemented by industries |
Private class (please contact us for any interest)
Tel : (852) 2863 9764 l email : training@gs1hk.org
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