數碼企業卓越領袖論壇2016 (DELF)
非會員費用: 費用全免 (門票先到先得)
The theme of DELF 2016 will be“The Next Innovation Frontier: The Future of Smart Mobility”(智慧流動 未來創新之匙), which explores how tech innovation enables the next paradigm shift for how cities will operate as well as how people will move both within and between the rising numbers of global urban populations.
電話: 3166 3757
網址: www.delf.cyberport.hk/index.php
* 免費穿梭巴士
The theme of DELF 2016 will be“The Next Innovation Frontier: The Future of Smart Mobility”(智慧流動 未來創新之匙),, which explores how tech innovation enables the next paradigm shift for how cities will operate as well as how people will move both within and between the rising numbers of global urban populations. At DELF 2016, great minds from this field will give deep insights on how we can harness its power to deliver real positive impact to common urbanisation issues around the world. This forum will bring unique perspectives and not-to-miss thought leadership to Hong Kong’s Smart City development especially Smart Mobility’s future.