- Other Sectors

Advanced Barcode Workshop
Non member price: HKD 250
This advanced bar code workshop will further explain how the use of GS1 international BarCode can improve inventory management efficiency, and introduce members of the increasingly popular 2-D DataMatrix. Members are free to join this course.
Please download and complete the collateral for seat reservation. Deadline of reservation will be on 3 Dec 2015 in first-come-first serve basis. Members of GS1 HK can reserve the seat in priority. For any queries, please feel free to contact us at membership@gs1hk.org or 28639769 (Ms Nancy Leung).
This advanced bar code workshop will further introduce the important role of GS1 international BarCode in logistics, location, assets and service relation, so that enterprises can well use the bar codes, thereby improving companies' operational efficiency and visibility to enhance their competitiveness. To enrich the content, an expert will explain how the use of GS1 international BarCode can improve inventory management efficiency, and introduce members of the increasingly popular 2-D DataMatrix. Members are free to join this course.
Organizer : GS1 Hong Kong
Date : 26 March 2015 (Thursday)
Time : 14:00 – 17:00
Venue : 22/F, OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong