GS1HK SCM Excellence Summit 2012
Non member price: HK$1,850
GS1HK SCM Excellence Summit has evolved into one of the industry's premier conferences that assists over 500 business, technology, supply chain leaders and e-commerce professionals spanning manufacturing, distribution, logistics and retailing to advance their businesses with greater efficiency and connectivity.
Enquiry : Ms Cecilia Wong | 2863 9753 | ceciliawong@gs1hk.org
Website : www.gs1hksummit.com (Programme and Registration-please check on below download)
GS1HK SCM Excellence Summit has evolved into one of the industry's premier conferences that assists over 500 business, technology, supply chain leaders and e-commerce professionals spanning manufacturing, distribution, logistics and retailing to advance their businesses with greater efficiency and connectivity. This year’s Summit themed “Champion Business Success Through Value Creation” will provide insights into global supply chain outlook and strategy in regards to championing a more responsible, sustainable and customer-focus supply chain with seamless service and quality product information that will ultimately create value and win the customers.
Programme Highlight:
Keynote – Riding the Digital Wave to Deliver the Best Consumer Experience
Plenary – Mitigating Supply Chain Risk/ Uplifting Consumer Safety/ Leveraging eCommerce with Consumer Pulse
Industry Case Sharing – Retail Digitalization/ Healthcare Supply Chain Modernization/ Internet of Things (IoT) Smart Business
Technological Innovation – The 5th HK RFID Awards 2012 Presentation Ceremony
Networking Opportunity – SCM Solutions and HK RFID Awards Winning Case Showcase
An Affiliated Event – Asian Logistics and Maritime Conference organized by HKSAR and HKTDC on 8 November (with special offer to ALM Conference delegate)