23 Oct - 2 Nov 2014

Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 2014

00:00 - 00:00
Former Kai Tak Runway (Adjacent to Kai Tak Cruise Terminal)
Member price: --
Non member price: --

Event visitors can access to extend wine information and cast their favorite wines through ConsumerConnect 

Enquiry: +852 2863 9797 | info@gs1hk.org

Website: http://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/see-do/events-festivals/highlight-events/wine-dine-festival.jsp


下載Consumer Connect+ (Mobile App 手機程式) 參加投票, 贏取大獎!

GS1 Hong Kong proudly presents the Most Favorite Wine of Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival Awards 2014, organized by Wine Luxe magazine, co-organized by Hong Kong Tourism Board and powered by GS1 Hong Kong’s ConsumerConnect + mobile app. Event visitors can access to extend wine information and cast their favorite wines through ConsumerConnect + by scanning the QR code of a specific wine nominated by the exhibitor. Polling campaign participants will have the chance to win a grand prize. GS1 Hong Kong呈獻由WINE.Luxe酒派雜誌主辦、香港旅遊發展局及本會協辦的香港美酒佳餚巡禮香港最受歡迎葡萄酒大獎2014。入場人士可透過下載GS1 Hong Kong ConsumerConnect+手機程式掃描由參展商提名的個別葡萄酒QR碼,獲取延伸資訊並對最喜愛的葡萄酒投下一票。投票活動參加者有機會贏取大獎。

30.10.2014 – 2.11.2014 Former Kai Tak Runway (Adjacent to Kai Tak Cruise Terminal) 前啟德機場跑道(鄰近啟德郵輪碼頭)

A four-day admission free party (30 Oct to 2 Nov 2014) will get things started with the best in wine, cuisine, live music and entertainment will play out in a harbour-side location next to Hong Kong’s latest architectural masterpiece, the new Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. 一連四天 ( 10月30日至11月2日) 免費入場的開幕派對於大師級設計的啟德郵輪碼頭旁邊開始!寵愛味蕾之餘,您還可以欣賞娛樂表演,跟三五知己乾一杯,共享「醉」迷人的派對氣氛。

HOW TO VOTE: http://gs1hk.org/files/Event/141030_Hong_Kong_Wine_and_Dine_Festival_2014/How_To_Vote.pdf

More event details: http://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/see-do/events-festivals/highlight-events/wine-dine-festival.jsp


OOrganizer : Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)
Date : 23 October to 2 November 2014
Venue : Former Kai Tak Runway (Adjacent to Kai Tak Cruise Terminal)
Google Maps:
Former Kai Tak Runway (Adjacent to Kai Tak Cruise Terminal)
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