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  • ICT (Technology)
4 Mar 2015

Empower your applications/ solutions with Location Based Technologies

English content only
15:45 - 17:15
Lakeside 2, Hong Kong Science Park
Member price: Free or charge
Non member price: Free or charge

Empower your applications/ solutions with Location Based Technologies

Please register on or before 2 March 2015 (Monday). 

Enquiry: 2780 6938 | email to



Internet of Things (IoT) Series (3) - Empower your applications/ solutions with Location Based Technologies

Do you know how location based technologies could enhance your business operations? Join us at TecONE to see how it catalyses your business growth!

TecONE is bringing you the 3rd episode of our IoT series - Lcoation Based Technologies. They allow you to deploy tracking solutions on people, vehicles goods and many other things, hence manage everything wiser with a touch of button! Join us for an inspiring afternoon at TecONE, where we are always eager to keep you updated with cutting-edge technologies. Grasp the chance! Act now to register!

Google Maps:
Lakeside 2, Hong Kong Science Park
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