- Multiple Industries

Brand Marketing Strategy
Technology plays a crucial role in brand marketing for businesses, in addition to enhancing operational efficiency. If enterprises can provide transparent and accurate product information to global consumers through a secure platform, they can ensure the authenticity of their products while reducing the risk of counterfeiting, boosting consumer trust and loyalty.
A multi-purpose QR code not only carries more product information, but also allows real-time updates which allows consumers to access comprehensive and up-to-date information promptly, thereby fostering stronger brand loyalty.
GS1 HK invites industry experts and organises a seminar to delve into the effective implementation of brand management strategies and digital transformation to enhance consumer loyalty and interaction. The SME ReachOut team of the Hong Kong Productivity Council will be invited to share the popular government funding schemes and application tactics.
Free Registration
14:45-15:00 Registration
15:00-15:30 "Brand Strategies: Timeless. Memorable"
Speaker: Ms. Bubble Ng - Go Play Panda
15:30-16:00 “Overview of the government funding schemes and application tactics”
Speaker: HKPC - SME ReachOut
16:00-16:30 “Smart Barcode.Smart Operation”
Speaker: GS1 HK
16:30-17:00 Smart Business Innovation Center Tour
Speaker: GS1 HK