HK IoT Conference 2019
Stepped into its 7th edition, the Hong Kong IoT Conference 2019 continues to serve as an efficient platform for......
Hong Kong IoT Conference 2019 – Connected World‧Connected Business
The Hong Kong IoT Conference was concluded with flying colour on 14 June, 2019, gathering close to 600 delegate from a spectrum of industries. It became a high-level meeting point for industry leaders and experts to discuss and exchange ideas.
The trending topics covered include Industry 4.0, A.I., blockchain, data-driven retail business etc., and the conference was inaugurated by Mr. Nicholas Yang, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology and other distinguished guests. Representing different sectors, the guests wore an IoT-powered thumb pointing at the LED wall, igniting business connectivity and unleashing the power of IoT.
Mr. Nicholas Yang also delivered an opening address that highlighed the potential of IoT, “The rapid advancement of IoT technologies is creating endless possibilities for enterprises and the Government.”
Mr. Andy Bien, President of Hong Kong IoT Industry Advisory Council/CIO of The Airport Authority HK delivered the welcome remarks, and emphasized the importance of companies to possess professional skills and strategy, in order to analyse the massive data collected from IoT devices.
Keynote and plenary speakers from Huawei Cloud, Epicor Software, OpenCertHub, Qingdao Haier Biomedical Cisco Systems, Solace Corporation, GS1 Hong Kong, etc took the stage and shared their insights, while the 3 breakout tracks – Smart Mobility, Smart Supply Chain and Consumer Journey - drew world-leading and award-winning specialists sharing their IoT applications to maximize the benefits of IoT adoption in business operation, paving the way to smarter business, better life.
The conference foyer saw our 3D logo floating in mid-air, provided by a 3D holographic animation company Infanity 3D, and the presence of two robots, Pepper and Nao, engaging delegates with some fun and interesting IoT facts. Other solution providers also demonstrated the newest IoT technologies with interactive showcases.
The one-day conference served as a valuable platform for industry leaders from public and private sectors to exchange ideas and insights, as well as sparkle new ideas. To learn more from the world-class innovators and industry leaders, download the selected presentation here by registering for free.
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Stepped into its 7th edition, the Hong Kong IoT Conference 2019 continues to serve as an efficient platform for industry practitioners to discover how IoT is adopted to meet different market needs and to exchange expertise. The Conference is expected to attract over 500 experts and industry practitioners and will cover a vast range of topics in Smart Mobility, Smart Supply Chain and Consumer Journey.