- Food and Food Services
Data-Driven Business Models for Food Manufacturing & Distribution Training (Mar 2020)
** This course has been included in the list of registered public courses under the Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme (RTTP) by VTC – (Click here to learn more)
– with up to HK$3,840 subsidy for each eligible applicant
** Completion of the course is eligible for applying 75 CPD points (CPD Accreditation) accredited by CILTHK (The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong).
** Certificate will be given to participants with 100% attendance.
Interested parties can register online 2 weeks before the course commencement date. Confirmation email will be sent to successful candidates 3 days prior to the event. Please settle your payment by cheque payable to "GS1 Hong Kong Ltd" with remarks "Food Traceability Training" as well as contact information (company name, name of registrant, tel. no. and email) at the back and mail to: GS1 Hong Kong, 22/F, OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
當新科技不斷推陳出新 - 物聯網、大數據、流動支付、無接觸支付等改變生活方式的應用,尤其在是次「疫」境,智能科技帶領企業進入數碼化新時代更已成為必然趨勢。企業都漸漸作出數碼化和自動化轉型,以更快更準確的方案去應對商業模式的變化。當中,食品及餐飲業界也從新科技帶來的得益,以加強企業營運及迎接挑戰。GS1 HK聯同稻苗學會 舉辦是次分享會,去探討業界如何應用創新科技以達致更有效率地「疫」境前行、迎接新商機及使業務持續發展。
Operations, manufacturing, innovation, supply chain or logistics managerial staff.
• Thorough discussions will cover major issues on how to implement data-driven manufacturing and distribution.
- Gain knowledge about the impact of digital transformation and other related technologies
- Join discussions about current business model against emerging data-driven model.
- Understand how to analyse current readiness level for data-driven activities related to manufacturing and distribution.
- Figure out how to design a data-driven business model. - Be inspired with industrial use cases of data-driven business models.
• A guided tour at Internet of Things (IoT) Centre
• Driving Forces of Digital Transformation
• Game Changing Technologies
• Current Digitalization Level and Readiness Level Analysis
• Business Impacts on Data-driven versus Non Data-driven Models
• Systematic Approach on Implementing Data-driven Business Model
• Business Simulation Exercise: Data-driven Business Model for a F&B operator
Welcome Remarks :
Mr Joseph Phi, Chairman, GS1 Hong Kong Board, Group President & Executive Director, Li & Fung and President, LF Logistics
Opening Address: Guest of Honour
Dr Raymond So, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for Transport and Housing, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
- To be confirmed 3 days prior to the event
- Pay by cheque