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  • Food and Food Services
17 August 2023 (Thursday)

New Trends in Food Safety and Cold Chain

15:00 – 17:30 (Registration starts from 14:45)
22/F, OTB building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
Register Now!

Online purchase of frozen food causing health problems occur from time to time. Food poisoning happens when frozen foods are stored improperly during manufacturing, transportation, or storage which creates an environment for bacterial growth, and poses a serious threat to food safety. Temperature and time management are the key, particularly for perishable food, where cold chain management plays a vital role. However, how much do you know about food safety and cold chain management, in terms of practice or equipment requirements?

GS1 Hong Kong is organising a food safety and cold chain management seminar with food industry experts and professionals. Admission is free and seats will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis!


15:00 – 15:40     Future-Proofing Your Lab with SureTect™ PCR System –  
                           Food Pathogen Detection with case sharing

                           Speaker: Mr. Kevin Ng, Sales Specialist, Specialty Diagnostics Group,
                           Hong Kong, Thermo Fisher Scientific

15:40 – 16:00     From Food Factory to Fork, Keep Your Food Safe with 
                           Advanced Cold Storage and Wireless Monitoring Technology

                           Speaker: Mr. Boris Cheng, Commercial Manager Asia Pacific 
                           (Cold Storage), Thermo Fisher Scientific

16:00 – 16:30     Smart Operations on Temperature Monitoring for Food Safety 
                           Speaker: Mr. Wayne Luk, Head of Product & Service Delivery,
                           GS1 Hong Kong

Google Maps:
22/F, OTB building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
Add to calendar
Ms. Hong
2863 9764
