Hong Kong IoT Conference 2018 - Unleashing the Real IoT Business Values
Hong Kong IoT Conference 2018
Unleashing the Real IoT Business Values
Hong Kong, 6 June 2018 – The 6th annual Hong Kong IoT Conference was held today in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, where Mr. Nicholas W Yang, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology Bureau graced the occasion as Guest of Honour, and Hon. Charles Mok, JP, Legislative Council Member, Ir. Allen Yeung, JP, Government Chief Information Officer, Mr. Andy Bien, President of Hong Kong Internet of Things Industry Advisory Council & CIO of Airport Authority of Hong Kong, Mr. Peter Yan, CEO of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, Mr. Albert Wong, CEO of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and Ms. Anna Lin, JP, FCILT, Chief Executive of GS1 Hong Kong were also present as officiating guests. They were joined by over 600 of ICT professionals and practitioners during the opening ceremony at the Conference.
As IoT begins to penetrate most aspects of our daily lives, the government and business sectors are striving to bring the smart city alive, by finding new ways of making life safer, easier and more comfortable. The Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr. Nicholas W Yang, said that the Hong Kong Internet of Things Conference has provided an excellent platform for experts and practitioners to share insights on the latest development of IoT technology and innovative IoT solutions. Hong Kong is well-prepared to embrace the new era of IoT, which is the cornerstone of a successful smart city. “IoT solutions will give competitive advantages to enterprises large and small. With IoT, we can also turn Hong Kong into a more liveable and smarter city,” he said.
In his opening address, Mr. Bien acknowledged the vast IoT applications in business, he also noted the obstacles ahead, “Despite the hype of data collection from IoT applications, the challenge is that, not much data is used or shared for reuse right now. Business needs to be ready to handle such massive amount of data, to truly realize the potential of IoT,” said Mr. Bien. He further asserts the foundation for successful IoT application in business sector lies in data management, connectivity and analysis.
Echoing Mr. Bien’s perspectives, Ms. Lin believes standard is the key, “To maximize the value of IoT data, the market needs an open, interoperable data infrastructure. A survey by IDC found that 81 percent of respondents in business sector considered standards for data and connectivity very important, and 63 percent say that they would prefer open source standards,” said Ms Lin. “It is imperative to come up with industry consensus to facilitate interoperability between different applications, as well as applications and devices, to truly unleash the real IoT business values.”
Speaking of the Conference, Ms Lin added, “I’m thrilled to see so many specialists today to share their experience in building an IoT ecosystem in all aspects of our lives – healthcare, business, mobility, to name a few – and together to realise the business value of IoT adoption for a smarter Hong Kong. At GS1 HK, we will continue to advocate interoperability and open standards for IoT, helping to advncing the business models and shaping the future business paradigm in Hong Kong.”
Mr. Andy Bien, President of Hong Kong Internet of Things Industry Advisory Council, delivered the welcome remarks at the IoT Conference 2018.
Mr. Nicholas W Yang, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology Bureau delivered the opening address.
(From left to right) Mr. Peter Yan, CEO of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, Hon. Charles Mok, JP, Legislative Council Member, Mr. Andy Bien, President of Hong Kong Internet of Things Industry Advisory Council & CIO of Airport Authority of Hong Kong, Mr. Nicholas W Yang, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology Bureau, Ir. Allen Yeung, JP, Government Chief Information Officer, Mr. Albert Wong, CEO of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Ms. Anna Lin, JP, FCILT, Chief Executive of GS1 Hong Kong inaugurates the IoT Conference 2018.
The officiating guests and keynote / panel speakers went on stage for a group photo.
Robot Pepper interacted with hundreds of audience as one of the officiating guests.
Media Contacts
Corinna Fung
Telephone: +852 2863 2787
Email: corinnafung@gs1hk.org
Will Ip
Telephone: +852 2863 2763
Email: willip@gs1hk.org
About GS1 Hong Kong
Founded by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce in 1989, GS1 Hong Kong is the local chapter of GS1®, a not-for-profit, standards organisation that develops and drives adoption of easy-to-implement global standards for business to uniquely identify, accurately capture and automatically share vital information about products, locations and assets. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, GS1 has over 110 national chapters in 150 countries.
GS1 Hong Kong’s mission is to enable Hong Kong enterprises to improve the efficiency, safety, and visibility of supply chains across multiple sectors and facilitates commerce connectivity through the provision of global standards and a full spectrum of standards-based solutions and services. GS1 Hong Kong engages with communities of trading partners, industry organisations, government, and technology providers to understand and respond to their business needs through the adoption and implementation of global standards.
Currently, GS1 Hong Kong has close to 8,000 corporate members covering close to 20 industries including retail consumer goods, food and food services, healthcare, apparel, logistics as well as information and technology. GS1 Hong Kong continually enhances and rolls out new services and solutions to help our corporate members to embrace new realities, new challenges, and new opportunities.
For more information about GS1 Hong Kong, please visit www.gs1hk.org.
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